Dann Turner Eliminated in 3rd Place ($21,932)

Nov 23, 2015

Dann Turner
Dann Turner moves all in on the button for his last 770,000 and Darrel Dier quickly folds. Russell Garrett snap calls and quickly tables Heart KSpade K. Turner flips up Heart 4Spade 4 and will need to improve to stay alive.

The dealer spreads a flop of Heart 10Diamond 6Diamond 7 and Turner shrugs.

“I only need one four,” he jokes.

Sure enough the dealer burns and turns the Diamond 4, improving Turner to a set of kings. Garrett stands out of his seat and watches as the dealer places the Diamond K on the river, giving him top set and the pot.

Turner will take home $21,932 for his deep run here in the WPTDeepStacks NorCal main event.

Russell Garrett – 2,000,000
Darrel Dier – 3,400,000
Dann Turner – Eliminated in 3rd Place ($21,932)

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