Darrel Dier Wins WPTDS NorCal ($48,598) - Russell Garrett Out 2nd ($34,096)

Nov 23, 2015

Russell Garrett Finishes 2nd

Russell Garrett (pictured above) raises to 200,000 on the button preflop and Darrel Dier reraises to 535,000. Garrett reraises all in for just over 2 million total and Dier tanks for a minute before calling. The two players then table their hands.

Dier: Club 3Diamond 3
Garrett: Diamond ASpade 8

Board: Club 10Heart 4Diamond 2Club 4Diamond Q

Garrett is eliminated in second place, good for $34,096. Dier wins the WPTDeepStacks NorCal Main Event and he takes home the top prize worth $48,598 along with the WPTDeepStacks trophy.

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