David Konstandoff Eliminated in 10th Place (€13,500)

Apr 9, 2013

David Konstandoff
Benjamin Pollak has just thrown his hat into the ring as a potential champion after eliminating David Konstandoff in tenth place.

Mario Sanchez opens from under the gun, Konstandoff flats in the next seat, Tahiri Hassani calls in the hijack and then Pollak asks both Sanchez and Konstandoff for counts before squeezing to 119,000.

Sanchez folds, Konstandoff moves all-in and Hassani folds leaving Pollak with the decision. The Frenchman asks for a count and the price to pay is 525,000. 

"I call," says Pollak after some deliberation.


Pollak: [Qc] [Qd]
Konstandoff: [8c] [8d]

"I thought you were stealing," says Konstandoff.

The flop produces a bit of something for them both – [Qh] [9d] [Ts] – and Pollak is left fearing a Jack. The turn [2c], and river [6c], finishes the hand and Konstandoff is out.

Pollak ~ 1,400,000

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