David Plastik Doubles Through Justin Young

Dec 5, 2010

David Plastick open shoves for his last 26,000 from middle position and Justin Young calls on the button.  

Plastik asks, "Do you have a pair?"  He sighs when Young turns over [10s10c], for he holds [3s3h].

"This doesn’t look good for me," Plastik admits.  His fortunes turn on the [5c4h3d] flop though, as Plastik hits his set.  The turn is the [2h] and the river brings the [Ks].  Plastik takes the pot and doubles up.

"I thought you said you were going to take it easy on me today," Young jokes.

David Plastik – 55,000 (28 BBs)
Justin Young – 80,000 (40 BBs)

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