Feb 28, 2011
After a series of raises, the short stack in seat 3 moves all in for 141,000 more and Michael DiVita goes into the tank.
DiVita is clearly on the fence and starts to mumble, "You know how they say, what would Jesus do? I’m thinking, what would Mizrachi do?" (Referring to Michael Mizrachi, sitting at the same table.)
Joe DeNiro quips, "He would have beat the raiser in the pot!"
Everyone gets a laugh and Divita stares at his opponent. "Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Homer Simpson? Well, Mr. Simpson, I’ll call", says DiVita as he pushes his chips in the center.
Seat 2 shows [AdKh] and Darryll Fish yells, "D’oh", as DiVita turns over [9s9h].
The board comes [Js10s4d2cAs], giving Seat 3 top pair on the river. DiVita just shakes his head as he ships a third of his chips accross the table. One of the former chipleaders, DiVita is now down to just 300,000.
Michael DiVita – 300,000