Dong Guo (China) Doubles Thru Victor Chong (Malaysia)

Sep 21, 2018

Team China

Victor Chong (Malaysia) raises from the hijack to 13,000, Dong Guo (China) moves all in from the small blind for 59,000, and Chong thinks for a while before he calls with Spade JSpade 10.

Guo turns over Heart KDiamond K, and needs his hand to hold to keep from being felted.

The board comes Club 8Spade 7Heart 6Diamond 10Club 4 — Chong flops a gutshot straight draw and turns a pair of tens, but the river card is a blank. Guo wins the pot with his pocket kings to score a double up for Team China.

China  –  128,000  (26 bb)
Malaysia  –  235,000  (47 bb)

China  –  116,000
Malaysia  –  99,000

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