Oct 27, 2006
OK, I won one leg of Festa. I’ll always have that. Still, Tony Bern’s rediculous foresight has put me in an awkward position. How the hell am I supposed to be the poker expert if I can’t beat some suit in a fantasy draft? Ridiculous.
In case you don’t know, each day, Tony, Ryan ‘Use the force’ Lucchesi and I do a five round draft. The team owner whose five players end the day with the most combined chips wins the day. Each day we play for…honor. Yeah, that’s it, honor. Let’s just say that if my record were my honor, I’d have none.
Ryan had the first pick and chose John Juanda, same thing I would have done. Tony took Mark Newhouse, so I chose Steve Paul-Ambrose and /7854//Jason Sagle/, our day 1 chip leader. After that, the teams worked out like this:
John Juanda
/X331//Kevin Monaghan/
Thomas Walroos
Alan Sass
Allen Cunningham
Mark Newhouse
Peter Valente
/X344//Vivek Rajkumar/
Brad Booth
Evan Roberts
“I’m taking Evan Roberts because Evan is my brother’s name and Roberts is my mother’s maiden name” – Tony
I can’t believe I’m losing to this buffoon.
Jason Sagle
Marc Karam
/X346//Huy Duc Nguyen/
Steve Paul-Ambrose
Liz Lieu
I picked Liz Lieu with the final pick of the draft, stood up, turned around and saw Liz heading for the sidelines, knocked out. I am unbelievably bad at this. Tony and Ryan just laughed.