Feb 27, 2011
With around 60,000 in the pot and the board reading [Jc9s7c2c8s], Eddy Sabat bets 36,000 from the small blind, leaving just 17,900 behind.
Michael DiVita is in the big blind and stands to think. The oration begins as DiVita tries to reason his way through the hand. After several minutes in the tank, another player at the table calls the clock on DiVita, who is unfamiliar with how the practice of clocking someone works.
"Now do I have a minute from the time the clock started? Or a minute from the time you tell me I have a minute?"
The Abbott and Costello-esque routine continues as DiVita continues to ham it up until the floorman hits the final ten seconds countdown.
As his seconds are running out, DiVita counts out a minimum raise and makes it 72,000 to play.
Sabat leans back in his chair and laughs. He thinks briefly before calling his last 17,000 with [Kc10c] for the second nut flush. All DiVita has to show is a pair of nines, so Sabat doubles up.
After the hand, DiVita has a question for his opponent: "Eddy, what tipped it off that I was full of s***?"
Eddy Sabat – 160,000
Photo: Michael DiVita (standing, right) asks questions of the floorperson during his one-minute countdown as he contemplates a bet from Eddy Sabat (seated, left).