Oct 13, 2017
We mentioned earlier that American Elizabeth Tedder made a spur of the moment decision to come to Valkenburg after final tabling the WPTDeepStacks Marrakech Main Event. We asked her for her thoughts about both destinations.
“It’s different!” said Tedder “The play is less crazy!”
“Marrakech reminded me of L.A. or at the Bike. People aren’t going as crazy here. Feels like there’s more thought in the game! It’s not just about bullying people off of their hands.”
Tedder had only praise for the WPTDeepStacks in Europe.
“I can’t speak highly of it enough. The atmosphere, the fact that there are lovely dinners, the players party is amazing.
“I’ve been telling people all about it; I want to bring a group of people to come back to Europe for the DeepStacks!”