Erwann Pecheux Eliminated in 5th Place (€13,297)

Jun 4, 2017


Anthony Cruz raised to 102,000, Erwann Pecheux called on the button and Alexandre Le Vaillant defended his big blind. The flop was Heart 10Heart 5Spade 7 and Cruz bet 200,000. Pecheux shoved all in for 921,000, Le Vaillant folded but Cruz instantly called for 795,000 total.

Erwann Pecheux: Club AClub 10
Anthony Cruz: Diamond 5Club 5

Pecheux was drawing nearly dead against Cruz’ flopped set. The Diamond 10X XX XX XX XX XHeart 10X XX 10X XX XX AX XHeart 10X XX 10X AX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XHeart XX XX XX XX 10Heart 10X XX XX XSpade 9 river bricked out.

Left crippled, Erwann Pecheux was all in two hands later for his last three big blinds. Both Cruz and Jonathan Khalifa called and the active players checked it down on Diamond 6Diamond 4Heart 9Spade JDiamond 3.

Pecheux flung open Spade QSpade 5, knowing he probably wouldn’t win. Cruz showed Diamond AHeart 8 and Khalifa had the winner with Club KHeart 6 to score his fourth knock-out on the final table.

It was Pecheux’ ninth final table in a WPT National or DeepStacks event – an incredible accomplishment – but once again he missed out on the trophy. The last remaining Team Pro received €13,297 ($14,868) for his fifth place.


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