Apr 19, 2010
After a flop of [Ah6h3s], Shawn Buchanan checks from the big blind, Faraz Jaka bets 5,400 from middle position, ClubWPT.com’s Leron Washington calls from the button, and Buchanan folds.
Both players check the [Ac] that pairs the turn, and the [Kc] on the river. Jaka says, "No pair," and Washington shows [Jd6d] (two pair, aces and sixes). Jaka mucks, and Washington takes the pot.
Leron Washington – 84,000 (84 bb)
Faraz Jaka – 370,000 (370 bb)
Faraz Jaka is still in excellent shape to defend his points lead in the WPT Player of the Year race. One way or another, the race will be decided during this tournament.