May 3, 2015
Photo: Dylan Wilkerson (right) watches as Rene Bourbeau (center) explains the situation to a floorman.
With the board reading K65QA, Rene Bourbeau bets 35,000. Champions Club member Dylan Wilkerson raises to 85,000 and Bourbeau announces raise, before tossing in two blue T5,000 chips and preparing an amount to raise.
“OK, what is going on here? We need a floor here,” says Wilkerson. People at the table start speaking up but Wilkerson says, “I only really want to hear from the floor.”
The floor is called over for a ruling and Bourbeau, who does not speak english, speaks to the floor in French to explain the situation from his point of view. Ari Engel, seated nearby, uses his own chips to illustrate the betting motion. The floorperson rules that Bourbeau announced raise, and now must min-raise to 135,000.
Once the ruling is official, Wilkerson calls.
Bourbeau insta-mucks his hand, forfeiting the pot to Wilkerson, who takes the pot without even having to show his cards.
Dylan Wilkerson – 450,000 (75 bb)
Rene Bourbeau – 253,000 (42 bb)