Fred Paradis Eliminated in 82nd Place by Soheb Porbandarwala

Dec 17, 2022

We pick up the action with Fred Paradis all in for approximately 2,400,000 holding X AX K, Soheb Porbandarwala calls with Spade QDiamond Q and needs to hold to send Paradis to the payout desk.

The board runs out Diamond 5Spade 2Heart 2Diamond 10Club 6 Porbandarwala’s queens hold, and Paradis is eliminated in 82nd for $41,250. Porbandarwala meanwhile jumps to the top of the leaderboard with 12,100,000.

Soheb Porbandarwala – 12,100,000 (161 bb)
Fred Paradis – Eliminated in 82nd place for $41,250

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