Frederic Bunchan Out in 14th Place (CAD $10,675)

Mar 31, 2014

Frederic Bunchan opens from the button for 120,000 and gets two callers in the blinds including Daniel Gagne playing from the small blind. The flop comes [Ah][8d][3s] and all three check, then after the [Kh] turn Gagne bets 80,000. It folds to Bunchan who min-raises to 160,000, and Gagne quickly calls.

The river is the [4d], and Gagne checks right away. Bunchan pauses for a short while, then announces he is all in. Gagne leans over to see Bunchan has a little under 700,000 left, then after thinking for a full minute decides to call.

Bunchan drops his head a little as he tables his [9s][6c], then says "wow" as he sees Gagne turn over [10c][8h] for third pair. Gagne’s hand is good, and Bunchan shakes his hand and wishes the table good luck before departing.

Daniel Gagne – 4,900,000 (61 bb)
Frederic Bunchan – Out in 14th Place (CAD $10,675)

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