Mar 27, 2014
A single-suited flop of [As][3s][2s] encourages action from three players — Gerry Lye, Peter Zhou, and Michael Aflalo — with the result being Zhou and Aflalo all in and at risk as Lye has both covered. The trio tabled their hands, and at the sight of the them the table reacts audibly:
Lye: [Js][9s]
Aflalo: [7s][5s]
Zhou: [3h][3d]
A paired board would give Zhou a winning full house while Aflalo is looking for the [4s] to fall to make him a straight flush. But the turn is the [Kd] and river the [5c], and two more players hit the rail here on Day 1A as Lye chips up over 50,000.
Gerry Lye – 52,000 (104 bb)
Peter Zhou – Eliminated
Michael Aflalo – Eliminated