Hamish Crawshaw Eliminated

Feb 15, 2020

Down to just 1,900 after bluffing off most of his chips with second pair versus top pair, Hamish Crawshaw moves all in for 1,900 and Mike Takayama raises to 3,500. Toshiyuki Watanabe makes the call, as does Ulrik Scotwin, and Huu Dung Nguyen in the big blind squeezes to 21,100 with 100 behind.

Takayama folds, Watanabe calls and Scotwin tank-folds to see Nguyen all-in blind for the last chip before the flop comes Club JDiamond 4Club 2, Watanabe looks him up and the cards are turned over.

Hamish Crawshaw: Heart KDiamond J
Huu Dung Nguyen: Club AClub 9
Toshiyuki Watanabe: Heart 10Diamond 10

The Club 10Diamond 6 runout on turn and river gives Nguyen the nut flush and he sends Crawshaw out on the first bullet of the day.

Ulrik Scotwin – 115,000
Huu Dung Nguyen – 50,000
Mike Takayama – 37,000
Toshiyuki Watanabe – 19,000
Hamish Crawshaw – Eliminated

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