Hand #147: Zachary Smiley Wins WPT Maryland Live! ($356,536)

Oct 5, 2016

Champion_Zachary Smiley

Hand #147  –  Zachary Smiley (pictured) raises to 300,000, Ryan Belz reraises to 800,000, and Smiley moves all in.

Belz calls all in with Diamond AClub Q, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Smiley’s Heart 5Diamond 5.

The board comes Club 10Club 9Diamond 6Heart JSpade 4, and Zachary Smiley wins the pot — and the WPT title — with a pair of fives.

Ryan Belz finishes as the runner-up, earning $239,412.

Zachary Smiley wins WPT Maryland Live!, earning $356,536, which includes his entry into the season-ending WPT Tournament of Champions. Smiley also receives a WPT Champions Trophy, and his name will be inscribed on the one-and-only WPT Champions Cup, alongside every other WPT champion from all 15 seasons.

Congratulations to Zachary Smiley!

1st:  Zachary Smiley  –  $356,536*
2nd:  Ryan Belz  –  $239,412
3rd:  Mario Silvestri III  –  $153,983
4th:  Darren Elias  –  $113,905
5th:  Benjamin Zamani  –  $85,429
6th:  Cate Hall  –  $68,554

* First-prize amount includes a $15,000 seat into the season-ending WPT Tournament of Champions.

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