Hand #163: Justin Young Doubles Thru Garrett Greer

Apr 20, 2016

Heads Up_Justin Young

Hand #163  –  Garrett Greer raises to 700,000, Justin Young reraises to 1,850,000, and Greer thinks for about 30 seconds before he moves all in.

Young tanks for a minute before he calls all in for 9,625,000 with Heart AHeart 9, and Greer turns over Heart 4Club 4. Young needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond AHeart QClub 5Spade 6Spade Q, and Young pairs his ace on the flop to win the pot and double up in chips.

Justin Young  –  19,350,000  (65 bb)
Garrett Greer  –  17,300,000  (58 bb)

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