Hand #17: Tom Riley Duodecuples* Up; Won't Be Forced All In Again Until Hand #25

Mar 14, 2017

Tom Riley Tom Riley

In the 17th hand of hand-for-hand play, Tom Riley (pictured), who has slowly been blinding down his stack, is forced all in from the big blind for 1,000, after paying the 1,000 ante.

Steven Tabb raises from the cutoff to 16,000, and everyone else folds. Riley takes the side pot, which is 3,000 from the small blind. The main pot is worth 12,000 (nine antes, plus 1K from the small blind, Riley, and Tabb).

Riley turns over a relative monster — Heart 7Club 7 — and he’s a big favorite to hold against Tabb’s Spade 7Diamond 6.

The board comes Spade KSpade 2Club 2Club KHeart 4, and Riley wins the pot with his pocket sevens to duodecuple* up in chips to 12K.

Tom Riley  –  12,000  (1.5 bb)

If Riley continues to blind down without playing a hand, he will be forced all in for the 1K ante under the gun during Hand #25.

* Duodecuple is the version of double, triple, etc, for when something increases by 12x.

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