Hand #2: Altynai Fung Eliminated by Kevin Calenzo

Dec 11, 2024

AltynaiFungPhoto:  Altynai Fung

Brett Richey raises to 20,000 in the cutoff, Kevin Calenzo reraises all in for about 250,000 on the button, Altynai Fung is already forced all in for 10,000 in the big blind, and Richey folds Diamond 9Club 9 face up.

Calenzo:  Spade ASpade K.
Fung:  Spade 10Diamond 7.

The board runs out Spade 9Diamond 8Spade 3Diamond AHeart Q, giving Calenzo a pair of aces to eliminate Fung on the money bubble.

Kevin Calenzo  –  298,000  (30 bb)
Brett Richey  –  109,000  (11 bb)
Altynai Fung  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble

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