Hand #38 - Senthuran Vijayaratnam Eliminated by Zeyu Huang in 5th Place (CAD $64,000)

Oct 25, 2024

Photo: Senthuran Vijayaratnam

Zeyu Huang raises to 500,000 in the cutoff and Alexander Wong three-bets to 1,300,000 on the button. Senthuran Vijayaratnam then moves all in for 6,100,000 in the big blind and Huang uses a time bank before he calls. Wong quickly gets out of the way.

Senthuran Vijayaratnam: Spade AHeart K
Zeyu Huang: Diamond AHeart A

Vijayaratnam runs into Huang’s aces and finds no miracles on the Heart JSpade 9Club 6Diamond 6Heart 9 board as he’s sent to the rail in fifth place.

Zeyu Huang- 24,000,000 (96 bb)
Alexander Wong- 16,000,000 (64 bb)
Senthuran Vijayaratnam- eliminated in 5th place (CAD $64,000)


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