Hand #47: Barry Kruger Takes a Big Pot

May 9, 2013

Jason Duval min-raises from the button to 200,000, Barry Kruger reraises from the big blind to about 425,000, and Duval calls.

The flop comes [Jh5s2c], Kruger bets 450,000, and Duval tanks for a while before raises to 985,000. Kruger moves all in, and Duval quickly folds. Barry Kruger takes the pot.

Seat 1.  Barry Kruger  –  4,665,000
Seat 2.  Bobby Liang  –  2,685,000
Seat 3.  Jonathan Bardier  –  1,845,000
Seat 4.  Amir Babakhani  –  9,480,000
Seat 5.  Jason Duval  –  1,845,000
Seat 6.  Martin Leblanc  –  1,520,000

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