Hand #78-82 - Small Pots Order of the Day

Aug 26, 2024

Hand #78 – Yurii Senchylo raises to 500,000 from the cutoff with Diamond QDiamond 10 and is faced with a three-bet to 1,700,000 from Tudor Purice in the small blind. Senchylo folds.

Hand #79 – Emile Abi-Daher limps with Spade KSpade 8 under the gun. Tudor Purice is on the button with Heart ASpade 8 and he raises to 1,250,000. Abi-Daher folds.

Hand #80 – Action folds to Aleks Denishev in the small blind, who limp folds versus a raise to 750,000 from Emile Abi-Daher in the big blind.

Hand #81 – Tudor Purice raises to 500,000 from the hijack with Spade AHeart 5 and is called by Emile Abi-Daher in the small blind with Club AClub 4. Yurii Senchylo calls in the big blind with Spade JDiamond 10.

On the Spade 8Club 6Heart 2 flop, action is checked to Purice, who bets 350,000, leading to folds from both of his opponents.

Hand #82 – Aleks Denishev opens to 500,000 from the cutoff with Heart KHeart 9, only to be faced with a three-bet to 1,600,000 by Yurii Senchylo. Denishev folds and lets his frustration show. 


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