Hands #12-14: Fabian Gumz Has the Higher Queen; Lukasz Adamczewski Shoves Again

Apr 15, 2024

HAND #12 – Fabian Gumz raises to 200,000 in middle position and Iulian Tataru calls in the big blind.

The flop comes Club QDiamond KSpade 10 and Gumz bets 150,000. Tataru calls.

The turn is the Heart 3 and Gumz bets another 275,000. Tataru again calls.

Both players check the Heart 2 river and Tataru shows Heart QSpade J. Gumz, though, has Diamond ADiamond Q and wins the pot with his ace-kicker.

Fabian Gumz- 4,500,000 (45 bb)
Iulian Tataru- 2,050,000 (21 bb)

HAND #13 – Andras Matrai raises to 200,000 on the button and everyone folds.

HAND #14 – Lukasz Adamczewski moves all in for 875,000 in middle position. Iulian Tataru asks for a count on the button but eventually folds, as does the rest of the table.

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