Hands #173-175: Heads-Up Play

Aug 25, 2016

Hand #173 – Nathan Hall raises to 250,000, and Jeffrey Cormier folds.

Hand #174 – Jeffrey Cormier raises to 260,000, and Nathan Hall calls. The flop comes Diamond 10Diamond 5Club 5, and both players check. The turn is the Club 7. Hall leads out for 225,000, and Cormier folds.

Hand #175 – Nathan Hall raises to 250,000, and Jeremy Cormier calls. The flop comes Heart KClub JSpade 2. Cormier checks, and Hall bets 200,000. Cormier calls. The turn is the Heart 9. Cormier checks again, and Hall bets 425,000 this time. Cormier calls again. The river is the Heart 8, and both players checked.

Hall: Club KDiamond 5
Cormier: Spade KClub 5

Both players hold the same cards and chop the pot.


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