Hands #41-43 - Fabian Gumz Leaves Iulian Tataru With Crumbs

Apr 15, 2024

Hand #41 – Andras Matrai raises to 300,000 from under the gun and Maor Zaharagi calls on the button.

That is the end of the action as both players check down the Spade 4Club ADiamond 3Spade 8Spade 2 board. 

Matrai shows Heart QClub Q for a pair of queens and takes down the pot.

Hand #42 – Action is folded to Jozef Cibicek in the small blind, who completes. Andras Matrai checks in the big blinds.

On the Club 6Diamond QHeart 7 flop, Cibicek leads out with a bet of 150,000 and Matrai quickly folds. 

Hand #43 – Fabian Gumz raises to 300,000 from early position and Iulian Tataru defends his big blind.

The Spade 6Club 7Diamond 9 flop is checked by both players.

On the Club 5 turn Tataru leads out with a bet of 150,000, only to be met with a raise to 700,000 by Gumz. Tataru, after taking a timebank, calls.

On the Diamond 4 river Tataru checks to Gumz. Gumz bets 550,000, leading to a grimace from Tataru.

Tataru calls after some thought, and is shown the bad news when Gumz reveals Spade ASpade 8 for the nine-high straight.

Fabian Gumz – 6,000,000 (40 bb)
Iulian Tataru – 500,000 (3 bb)  

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