Hands #72-73: Chris Read Eliminated in 4th Place by Kathy Stahl

Dec 8, 2023

Chris Read Eliminated by Kathy Stahl
Photo:  Chris Read and her friends on the rail were cheering for a nine before the flop.

HAND #72  –  Kathy Stahl raises from the cutoff to 225, and Lisa Costello calls from the button. The flop comes Heart 10Spade 7Spade 5, Stahl checks, Costello bets 250,000, and Stahl folds. Costello takes the pot.

HAND #73  –  Chris Read moves all in from the button for 375,000, and Kathy Stahl calls from the big blind with Diamond KClub Q.

Read turns over Heart KDiamond 9, and she needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond AClub ASpade KClub 7Heart 9, and the nine on the river isn’t enough, as Stahl wins the pot with two pair, aces and kings, with her queen kicker. Read is eliminated in fourth place.

Kathy Stahl  –  1,450,000  (15 bb)
Chris Read  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($34,220)

Chris Read
Photo:  Chris Read

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