Hsing-Hsiung Tai Takes Big Pot on Flop

Jul 19, 2023

Hsing-Hsiung Tai

The WPT reporting team arrived at table 22 where a pot of approximately 35,000 was in the middle as the dealer spread a flop of Spade KSpade 10Heart 8.

Wang Kun checks in the big blind to Hsing-Hsiung Tai (pictured) in middle position who bets 11,200. Zheng Xiaosheng quickly folds in the hijack, sending action back to Kun.

With just over 30,000 left in his stack, he cuts down his chips to make a decision that could impact his tournament life.

After about a minute of thought, he elects to fold and preserve his remaining chips, sending the sizeable pot to Tai.

Zheng Xiaosheng – 85,000 (170 bb)
Hsing-Hsiung Tai – 80,000 (160 bb)
Wang Kun – 33,000 (66 bb)


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