Nov 15, 2013
Picking up with the action mid-hand, Barry Hutter is all in for his tournament life of just under 41,000 on a board of [9h8d7d]. Dan Heimiller re-raises all in over the top and Abbey Daniels contemplates calling.
"I never win in these situations," remarks Hutter with a grin to a tablemate as he waits for Daniels’ decision.
Eventually Daniels opts to call and the hands are turned over:
Hutter: [7h7s]
Heimiller: [JsTs]
Daniels: [KdKh]
Heimiller is in the lead with his flopped nut straight against Hutter’s bottom set and Daniels’ pair of kings. The turn changes everything, though, as the [9s] pairs the board and gives Hutter a full house. The [4h] finishes off the board and Hutter is able to score a triple up to about 125,000.
Heimiller holds the second best hand and while he ships a majority of his stack over to Hutter, he is still able to win the side pot from Daniels.
Barry Hutter – 125,000
Dan Heimiller – 25,000
Abbey Daniels – 22,000