Ivan Seng Yee Leow (Malaysia) Doubles Thru GACKT (Japan); GACKT Down to 3.5bb

Sep 21, 2018

GACKT (Japan) raises from the hijack to 14,000, Ivan Seng Yee Leow (Malaysia) moves all in from the small blind for 51,000, and GACKT calls with Heart AHeart K.

Leow turns over Spade ADiamond A, and needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Club 8Heart 4Heart 3Spade 2Spade 3 — GACKT flops a heart flush draw and turns chop outs with a gutshot straight draw, but the river card misses. Leow wins the pot with his pocket aces to double up and knock Team Japan down to just 3 1/2 big blinds.

Japan  –  14,000  (3.5 bb)
Malaysia  –  110,000  (28 bb)

Japan  –  103,000
Malaysia  –  99,000

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