Feb 10, 2014
After a flop of [Js7h3d], Shelby Standley checks, and James Calderaro checks behind. The turn card is the [8d], Standley bets 35,000, and Calderaro calls.
The river card is the [5h], Standley bets 50,000, and Calderaro raises to 175,000. Standley tanks for a bit and says that he thinks Calderaro might have pocket jacks, but he calls anyway.
Calderaro turns over J-J to win the pot with a set, and Standley mucks.
James Calderaro – 1,210,000 (121 bb)
Shelby Standley – 90,000 (9 bb)
The table spends the next 5-10 minutes talking and laughing about this hand and others. It’s a very friendly table, and they seem to be having a good time.