Oct 15, 2019
By Sean Chaffin
Jeff Cunningham may be coming into the final table of the WPT bestbet Bounty Scramble as the short stack, but was excited for an opportunity to shine. He’s playing in his first WPT tournament and now has his first tour final table under his belt.
A longtime recreation player, Cunningham recently made the decision to leave his full-time job behind for a career at the card table. That has worked out pretty well so far and his wife will be watching their two children back home in Mooresville, North Carolina.
“She’s excited,” he says. “She already has the live stream up and ready to go.”
Some friends were making the drive to cheer him on, but there was a kink thrown into that plan this afternoon.
“I’ve got a couple buddies coming in from Charlotte, but they had a flat tire,” he said just before the action got underway. “They’re back on the road now. Hopefully, I don’t bust before they get here.”
Unfortunately, Cunningham busted early in the action – finishing sixth for $66,457. His friends didn’t make to bestbet in time, but he was happy with his finish and making the final table nonetheless. It’s been a good start for the new full-time poker player.
Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer in Crandall, Texas, and his work appears in numerous websites and publications. Follow him on Twitter @PokerTraditions.