Joe Elpayaa Eliminated By's Butch Valure

Apr 20, 2012’s Butch Valure raises to 4,300 from middle position and Joe Elpayaa reraises to 11,800 behind him. Valure checks his cards, then calls. The flop comes [Ac9c2h] and Valure checks. Elpayaa bets 12,400 and Valure check-raises all-in for over 100,000, having Elpayaa’s remaining 80,000 or so covered.  

Elpayaa gives a sigh and a shrug before calling with [AhKs] for top pair. Valure is out front with [As9d] for top two. The turn brings the [6c] and the river [6h] pairs the board, but it is not enough for Elpayaa and he is eliminated.

Butch Valure – 208,000
Joe Elpayaa – elminated

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