Judy Bielan Eliminated by Sinead Davenport in 18th Place ($3,606)

Dec 15, 2024

Judy-Bielan-2Photo: Judy Bielan

After Sinead Davenport raises to 50,000 in middle position, Kindah Sakkal three-bets to 100,000 on the button. Judy Bielan then moves all in for 180,000 in the small blind and both opponents call.

On the Diamond 10Diamond 8Spade 4 flop, Davenport bets 100,000 and gets called to start building a side pot.

The Diamond 9 falls on the turn and Davenport moves all in for 485,000. After using a time bank, Sakkal calls, setting up a now massive pot as the hands are revealed.

Judy Bielan: Spade ASpade K.
Kindah Sakkal: Diamond QHeart Q.
Sinead Davenport: Diamond ADiamond 7

Davenport has turned the nut flush and with the hand locked up, the Spade 9 completes the board, sending the massive pot to Davenport as Bielan is eliminated.

Sinead Davenport – 1,750,000 (70 bb)
Kinda Sakkal – 300,000 (12 bb)
Judy Bielan – eliminated

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