Sep 19, 2013
After a flop of [9s5d5h], Katayon Khaterzai checks under the gun, Edwin Torres bets 100,000 from the hijack, and Khaterzai check-raises all in for 405,000.
Torres asks for a count, but when the dealer starts breaking down Khaterzai’s stacks, Torres says, "It doesn’t matter, I call."
Torres shows [JcJh] for an overpair, but Khaterzai turns over [9c9h] for a flopped full house, nines full of fives. Torres acts like he is about to be eliminated, but a couple of players remind him that he has more chips than Khaterzai and can’t be eliminated on this hand.
The turn is the [10s], the river is the [7c], and Khaterzai wins the pot with her full house to double up in chips.
Katayon Khaterzai – 950,000 (79 bb)
Edwin Torres – 109,000 (9 bb)