Apr 28, 2012
After a flop of [10s8d5d], Sharon Levin checks under the gun, Ken Aldridge checks from middle position, and David Diaz bets 1,075 from the button. Levin calls, and Aldridge moves all in for 8,250. Diaz calls, and Levin folds A-A face up.
Aldridge shows [Kd10d] for top pair with a diamond flush draw, and Diaz turns over [Js9c] for an open-ended straight draw.
The turn is the [Qc], the river is the [4h], and David Diaz wins the pot with a queen-high flush on the turn to eliminate Ken Aldridge from the tournament.
David Diaz – 37,000
Sharon Levin – 23,500
Ken "Teach" Aldridge – Eliminated
After the hand, Diaz asks Levin why he didn’t call with the pocket aces. Levin motions to Diaz as he says, "Make sure you write in the updates that he got very lucky. He got very lucky."