Kerignard With a Strong Move on the River

Sep 20, 2012

The early skirmishes have been won by Jackson Genovesi and 99% of them have been pre-flop. Here is one of the rare forays into the world of post-flop and for once it didn’t go the Italian’s way.

Genovesi opens to 130,000 and Yorane Kerignard calls. The action checks through to the turn on a board of [Th] [5s] [2d] [6c] and after Genovesi bets 125,000, Kerignard check-raises to 300,000. Genovesi raises an eyebrow but makes the call nonetheless. The fifth and final card is the [5d] and Kerignard slides 540,000 across the line resulting in a fold by Genovesi.

Genovesi ~ 2,600,000
Kerignard ~ 2,400,000

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