Kyle Grupp Doubles Through Seunghyun Nam

Dec 18, 2024

A player in early position raises to 1,200 and Kyle Grupp moves all-in for 9,600 from middle position.

Seunghyun Nam reraises all-in from the button for around 45,000 and the early position player gets out of the way. 

Kyle Grupp: Heart KHeart 10.
Seunghyun Nam: Club AClub K.

Nam is the favorite as the cards are revealed, but Grupp is able to find a ten on a final runout of Spade JDiamond 10Heart 5Spade 9Heart 8 to secure the double. 

Kyle Grupp – 22,000 (37 bb)
Seunghyun Nam – 35,000 (58 bb)

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