Lasse Frost Doubles Through Marko Mikovic

Mar 13, 2014

WPT_5420 When we join the table Lasse Frost (UTG) is involved in a hand with Marko Mikovic (OTB). The flop is showing [AS] [Qd] [Jd], there is around 45,000 in the pot, Frost has checked and there is a bet of 16,000 in front of Mikovic with all eyes on Frost.

The recent WPT National Series Brussels winner has 87,000 behind and he moves all-in prompting an immediate call from Mikovic.


Frost: [Jc] [Js]
Mikovic: [Ah] [Qc]

A cooler of a hand with Frost nailing bottom set at the same time Mikovic nails top two pair. The [2d] and [9s] finishes off the action and Frost is back in contention.

Frost ~ 230,000
Mikovic ~ 95,000

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