Levente Gavaller Takes Out Tamas Janicsak, Daniel Studer Regrets His Fold

Apr 13, 2024

Levente Gavaller raises to 2,500 in middle position and Daniel Studer calls in the cutoff. Tamas Janicsak then moves all in for 37,600 in the small blind, Gavaller calls for his last 38,000, and Studer tanks for a minute before he folds.

Tamas Janicsak: Spade JSpade 10
Levente Gavaller: Club KHeart K

Gavaller is far ahead with his kings as the board runs out Club 7Club 5Heart 3Club 8Spade A to earn him the knockout. Studer slams the table at the sight of the ace on the river as Gavaller takes in the pot.

Levente Gavaller- 80,000 (67 bb)
Daniel Studer- 120,000 (100 bb)
Tamas Janicsak- eliminated

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