Livinitup55 Doubles Through Frederick Ferrell

Dec 27, 2020

FlipMaster opens to 80,000 from under the gun and satellite winner Livinitup55 calls from early position. Chip leader Frederick Ferrell (Got_Milk) raises to 359,000 from late position.

FlipMaster folds and Livinitup55 shoves for around one million. It’s a coin flip as Ferrell calls with Diamond ASpade K against Livinitup55’s Diamond JSpade J.

The board runs out Diamond 8Spade 6Club 6Spade 3Heart Q and Livinitup55’s pocket jacks hold to avoid elimination.

Livinitup55 – 2,266,000 (45 bb)
Frederick Ferrell (Got_Milk) – 10,002,000 (200 bb)

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