Lukas Zaskodny Doubles into Overall Chip Lead on Final Hand of the Night

Apr 3, 2024

Lukas Zaskodny raises on the button and is three-bet to 75,000 in the big blind by James Pillon.

Zaskodny moves all in for 522,000 and after a bit of thought, Pillon spikes in a call, ending the night with the biggest hand of the tournament so far which will determine the night-end chip leader.

Lukas Zaskodny: Spade AHeart A
James Pillon: Heart KSpade K

It’s the ultimate cooler on the ultimate hand of the night.

The board comes Club 10Spade 8Diamond 8Spade 4Diamond 6 and Zaskodny’s aces hold to give him not just the end of night lead but the overall lead as well.

Lukas Zaskodny – 1,081,000
James Pillon – 36,000


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