Malik Gagandeep Takes Three-Way Pot With Check-Raise

Apr 14, 2023

S21 WPT Prime India PHOTO: Malik Gagandeep

Vivek Singh raises to 8,000 in the hijack and gets calls from Malik Gagandeep in the small blind and Sudheer Chowdary in the big blind.

The flop comes Spade 4Club JHeart 3 and action checks to Singh who bets 10,000. Gagandeep check-raises to 35,000 and gets a fold from Chowdary.

Singh thinks briefly and then releases his hand as well to send the pot to Gagandeep.


Sudheer Chowdary – 310,500
Malik Gagandeep – 210,000
Vivek Singh – 162,500

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