Dec 19, 2023
Mario Mosboeck
Mario Mosboeck raises to 210,000 in the small blind and Adrian Mateos defends the big blind. On a flop, Mosboeck checks and folds to a bet of 120,000 by Mateos,
Dan Smith then raises to 135,000 from under the gun and earns calls from Nick Petrangelo as well as Rick Salomon. Mosboeck on the button three-bets to 540,000 and it folds to Smith.
“Do you know how much you started with?” Smith inquires and uses one time bank to fold. Petrangelo folds while Salomon calls.
Salomon checks the 8d2c2h[/pc|] flop and folds soon after when Mosboeck continues for 275,000.
Mario Mosboeck – 2,750,000 (46 bb)
Nick Petrangelo – 2,960,000 (49 bb)
Adrian Mateos – 2,200,000 (37 bb)
Rick Salomon – 1,850,000 (31 bb)
Dan Smith – 1,740,000 (29 bb)