Mark Babekov and Mathew Barreira Pile the River for Chip-Lead Pot

Dec 16, 2024

On a heads-up turn of Spade 8Heart 6Spade 7Diamond K, Mathew Barreira checks to Mark Babekov cuts out a massive bet of 125,000 into the bloated pot of 200,000. 

After some thought, Barreira makes the call and the two see the dealer peel the Club 6, pairing the board. 

Barreira then leads for 125,000, Babekov quickly moves all in, and Barreira snap-calls, flipping over Club 8Diamond 6 for a rivered full house. 

But then his heart sinks as Babekov rolls over Club 7Diamond 7 for a superior boat and he watches as the horde of chips is shipped over to his opponent to take the chip lead. 

Left short, Barreira exits soon after. 

Mark Babekov – 865,000
Mathew Barreira – Eliminated

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