Meet the Team: Photographer Drew Amato

Jan 5, 2018

WPTDS Portugal

What has been your favorite stop?

Honestly, there are so many hilarious and great stories from every stop, but Amsterdam and Portugal are my top two stops from this year.

What has been your favorite moment?

The team and I work so hard to make the stops amazing, so my favorite moments are usually when are celebrating a job well done. When we finished WPTDeepStacks Amsterdam and went out partying is probably up there!

What’s your favorite part of the overall WPTDeepStacks experience?

WPTDeepStacks as a whole is so hard to put into words. Being able to see the world and travel with such amazing individuals is incredible. I’ve learned so much from the people I work with and you cannot put a price tag on the experiences we have had.

What are you looking forward to next season?

Another year on the road with my favorite people! New places, new experiences, and meeting new people!

What makes WPTDeepStacks different than other tours?

What we have all built together is so much more than a poker tour, it really is a family. Not only with the WPTDeepStacks team, but the relationships we have built with players on our tour is also what makes it special.

DicE Disco Club

What have you learned with WPTDeepStacks?

Nobody throws a players party quite like us!

What would you like to tell the players?

Thank you all for supporting us by coming to our stops. It’s been such an incredible season and I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for us!

If you could have a WPTDeepStacks event anywhere in Europe where would it be?

I’m cool with every stop being in Amsterdam!

Stay tuned to for more interviews with team members.

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