Khalifa Deals Big Blow to Lahkdari

Jun 4, 2017


The first hand after the break resulted in a massive clash between Omar Lakhdari and Jonathan Khalifa. It was the latter who limped in with Club KHeart 7 from the small blind. Lakhdari raised to 150,000 with Diamond KClub Q from the big blind and Khalifa called.

The Spade KHeart KHeart J gave both players a monster with trip kings and Khalifa checked. Lakhdari bet 50,000, Khalifa check-raised to 125,000 and Lakhdari called.

The turn was the Diamond 8 and Khalifa, fully expecting to have the best hand, continued with 225,000. Lakhdari put in a raise to 625,000 and Khalifa called.

The Club 7 paired Khalifa’s kicker and improved him to a full house. He took over the betting lead again and opted to fire out 900,000. Lakhdari was visibly unpleased but couldn’t get away from it and paid the bet off after a minute of thought,

Khalifa shot up to 4,480,000 after the hand, Lahkdari slipped to 1,400,000.

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