Paolo Compagno Eliminated by Ryan O’Donnell

Feb 21, 2013

The girlfriend of the Italian Paolo Compagno can finally take off those high heels. She has supported him by the rail through five levels of utter boredom. Now that’s what you call love. But Compagno has reached a dead end in his WPT Baden dream, and we can piece the exit hand together courtesy of our friends in the German media.

O’Donnell made the min-raise and Compagno saw a flop from the big blind. It was [Ks] [9c] [7s], Compagno checks, O’Donnell bet 5,000, Compagno moved all-in and O’Donnell called.


O’Donnell: [9s] [6s]

Compagno: [Js] [Tc]

The ace of spades on the river was the card that ended the hand. Compagno was out and O’Donnell moved up to 350,000.

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