Patrick Truong Eliminated in 11th Place by Kevin Calenzo

Dec 14, 2024

Photo: Patrick Truong

Kevin Calenzo raises to 2,000,000 from under the gun on the outer table. Patrick Truong three-bets to 4,800,000 in the next seat with around 19,000,000 behind. It folds back to Calenzo, who moves all-in without much hesitation.

Truong uses one time bank and then calls all-in to create the following coin flip.

Patrick Truong: Club QHeart Q.
Kevin Calenzo: Diamond AHeart K

The board runs out Heart JDiamond 6Club 5Spade KDiamond K and Calenzo finds a king on turn and river, sending Truong to the rail.

“Good game,” Truong says before heading to the payout desk.

Almost silently, Calenzo whispers back a “I wish it wasn’t you” before they part ways.

Kevin Calenzo – 60,200,000 (60 bb)
Patrick Truong – Eliminated in 11th Place ($87,000)

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