Oct 27, 2011
After a flop of [8c5d2d], Mike Dentale bets from middle position, Nikolai Yakovenko calls from late position, and Peter Politano raises from the button. Dentale and Yakovenko both call, and there is now a little more than 14,000 in the pot.
The turn card is the [Ks], and Dentale and Yakovenko both check. Politano bets 10,700, and Dentale tanks. Dentale asks Yakovenko how many chips he has, and Yakovenko says he has about 21,000 left.
Dentale eventually folds, and Yakovenko thinks a bit before folding as well. Politano takes the pot, and Dentale immediately begins talking.
Dentale claims he folded the best hand, and then Yakovenko says that he had the best hand. Dentale says he had a read that Politano was weak, and would’ve called him if Yakovenko weren’t waiting to act behind him.
Both claim to have had the best hand, and eventually they admit what they held — Yakovenko says he had the [Kd] (top pair) and Dentale says he had 9-9. Dentale asks Politano if he had a flush draw, and Politano says, "I didn’t have diamonds."
Regardless of who had what, Peter Politano adds the pot to his stack, becoming the first player to cross the 100,000 mark.
Peter Politano – 102,000
Mike Dentale – 46,000
Nikolai Yakovenko – 21,000